Miso Eggs


(Note: This recipe serves 4 with ease)


2 Tbsp Miso Paste (Soybean paste)

10 eggs

3 green onions

2 Tbsp butter and a splash of olive oil


My girlfriend, Jane, who runs a not-for-profit (A Girl and Her World) that we support came to our place this weekend and wanted me to make Miso Eggs for breakfast. So, I made them and they are seriously the twist on your morning scrambled eggs that make a difference. Super simple and really good. An easy twist that turns our everyday into exceptional. Have a go and let me know what you think. In hindsight, I’d go slightly heavier on the Miso but this recipe is subtle so turn it into what your suits your family.


  1. Chop your onions and saute them in butter and oil.

  2. Mix 2 Tbsp Miso Paste with 2 Tbsp Butter and get to a smooth paste.

  3. Beat your eggs to a fine mixture (more than you normally would for scrambled eggs).

  4. Add eggs to onions and slowly cook. Don’t rush the eggs and push them around. Go low and slow.